Friday, February 19, 2010

this day 2010, february 19th...

lol i enjoy doing these blogs, but for some reason, be it procrastination :P, i can not seem to get to this until the day of class!! what is this? its funny really, i suppose. anyways, seems like this current assignment for Word 07 is hellacious lol almost 200 pages huh... better get on it then... and these tests lol... they are okay for the most part, but i keep getting one part of one question wrong... and i just turn it in, give it up, call it quits when i have one part of a part of a question left to answer and i just can NOT get it ha... its frustrating, but doable i guess... alright, thats all this week folks, just catching up on the Word07 activities for next week and this week... and i have some major accounting hw to do in the mean time lol... toodles!


  1. Me and procrastination are best friends we've been together for a long time. But to be honest she's getting old :(

  2. I hoped you used Spring Recess to catch up on your missing IS101 work.
